Teaser Video – decoding and encoding Tonie Audio files by [Team RevvoX]

[Team RevvoX] just released a small Teaser of their new Audio Tool for the Toniebox.

Toniebox file info, encoding and decoding

The short Video shows the usage of their new audio tool that runs in the command line.

It is allowed to start guessing what we are seeing here. Please feel free to write and share some comments.

I will keep you all updated with more details as soon as new Information will be available.

As son as the tool will be available, a detailed review and description of the features will be released in my blog.

command line tool to decode and encode Tonie audio files

11 Gedanken zu „Teaser Video – decoding and encoding Tonie Audio files by [Team RevvoX]“

  1. Hallo,

    bin gerade über das Thema gestoßen und dann zwangsläufig über deine / eure Arbeit gestolpert.
    Klasse! Respekt.

    Mich beschäftigen nun einige Fragen dazu, ich hoffe es ist ok wenn ich sie hier stelle.
    Ich habe bisher keine Angaben zur SD Karte gefunden die verbaut ist, Größe etc.
    Jedoch kann man bis zu 64gb verbauen habe ich gesehen.
    Aber man muß jedes Mal wenn man den Tonie „neu bespielen“ will die SD Karte ausbauen, korrekt? Sonst bekommt man kein Paring zwischen NFS Tag und Soundfile hin oder?
    Wäre es eventuell möglich mittels einer micro-sd Verlängerung eine SD Karte mit Wifi zu nutzen? So könnte man theoretisch die SD Karte remote per Wifi bespielen und müsste die Box zukünftig nicht mehr öffnen.

    Und gibt es irgendwo eine Auflistung welches Zubehör man benötigt? Habe Slix-L gesehen als Tag weil nur diese gehen (nur diese geben die korrekten Bytes zurück).

    Vielen Dank für die interessante Arbeit! Suche schon eine defekte Toniebox zum testen 😀

    • Hallo Stefan,

      Thanks for your reply. It is always nice to hear that people like our work.

      Our tests showed that not every vendor of microSD cards works with the Tonie Box. But ALL of the SanDisk microSD cards up to 64 GB are working fine so far.

      At the beginning we tested Wifi SD cards as well, but did not succeed. Might be a vendor issue, might be a power distribution issue. We did not look any further into this, because I came up with another solution.

      I developed a slight hardware modification which relocates the microSD card so that it can be accessed without a complete teardown of the Box. The Blog post for this is almost ready to be published. Give me one more night and you can see my solution to this.

      Yes, it has to be an SLIX-L chip. Although there are other chips out there that would fulfill the technical requirements the Box is doing an internal verification of the SLIX-L type.

      If you have any further questions, please let me know.


      • Hi, thanks for the fast reply!
        I just ordered 3 Tags to have a test.
        I read about your extender to the bottom of the box. Then cut a piece out and the card is accessible from outside.

        Is it sill possible to use the toniecloud for original creative tonies? and still use the fixed tonies?

        How are the files stored? all together in one big file or every tag in a single folder as single file? havent found infos about it yet.
        is the 90min limitation still active or can i put more songs / audiobooks on 1 tag?
        what about the cue and json files? didnt find any more infos about it. how to use, scheme. they are for jumpmarks right?

        i guess i just need to get the sd card out, use teddy to create a new file. get the tag UID first (via smartphone and nxp app?) and copy the new file to the tags UID folder on the sd card?

        This keeps me really up all night i think, so interesting and not only daddy fun to play around but usefull for my 2 kids as well, just awesome 😀


        • Hallo Stefan,

          The microSD card extender works great. You do not really need to make large cut outs, because there ist plenty of room to place the card holder.
          (See my upcoming tutorial on this).

          The Box works just like normal. You can use the original Tonies and the Tonie cloud as well. There are no cons ins this game.

          Each Tonie creates an own directory and an own files, in which the audio content and some head information is stored. By using the Teddy Tool, the audio will be extracted into an OGG and an CUE File. You can use these with players like VLC, or you can use some other audio tools to separate the audio tracks and convert these to WAV or MP3.
          The connections between the audio file and the Tag is just done by the name of the directory and of the file itself. But if you want to use original Tonie figurines with some custom content, the audio ID of the custom audio file hast to be the same like the audio ID of the original audio content. Otherwise the custom content gets deleted and replaced with the original audio content.

          Believer me. This kept me not just one night awake. It was a lot of fun to get there where we are right now. Back when we just had one Box, it was hard to argue to get my hands on the Toniebox, because my kids did not want to share. Thats why I had to work at night… 😉


          • 😀
            Sounds great and like a lot of fun!
            Just thinking about buying a spare-box or use one of my kids boxes for testing. Not shure about it yet.

            All your infos made me just curious and i cant wait to get my hands an a rfid tag und one of the boxes 😀

            keep on with the work!

          • Hello. I bought the right tags and want to give my own „Toonies“ a try. You wrote something about a microsd Card Extender.
            Is there a product, which you can recommend?
            Greetings and thanks for your work here!!!

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