Team RevvoX, in person [Bee], [g3gg0], [Gambrius] and [Moritz] wish you and your families especially in these days very Happy Easter. Hopefully we could spread a bit of pre easter joy with our presents in form of Teddy and all the other information around tinkering with the Toniebox. Hoping that we could help to let the time during quarantine fly by a bit faster.
If you are interested in diving a bit deeper into the Tonie universe or even want to share some of your findings around the Tonie subject with us and our community we are pleased to welcome you to join.
You can find us on Telegram, on GitHub and of course in my Blog. Please leave comments. Thats the best way of sharing your thoughts, problems and solutions / hints with all of us.
Your Gambrius
our Telegram Channel:
our Git:
my Blog: