Teardown of the TECHNIFANT by TechniSat

Boxine reinvented the Childrens Audio Player Market by establishing an alternative control for kids besides of handling old cassettes or CDs in September 2016. Since then several other players tried to jump onto the train and came up with either their own development to improve the kids access to audio content or just came up with a more or less copied process where the music is not controlled by a figurine but with a card or a chip / round token.

TechniSat, well known for several electronics like Radios, TVs or satellite dishes, just started to sell their own interpretation of a kids audio player. The TECHNIFANT.


Overview of the Children’s Audio Player Market – Q1/2021

This article will take an actual view into the Children’s Audio Player market by giving a quick view onto the Toniebox by Boxine, the TigerBox Touch by TigerMedia, the Kekz Headset by Kekz-Media and the Technifant by TechniSat.


Custom Tags for Toniebox

A step by Step Guide to implement your own custom RFID tags.

ATTENTION: IF YOU ARE NEW TO TONIEBOX HACKING YOU WILL FIND A BETTER INTRODUCTION AND MORE UPDARTED VERSION HERE: “Toniebox Hacking – How to get started“. This article is very interesting due to the detailed information, as well, but you should start with the other blog post!

In this Blog post the focus is on custom tags that works with the Toniebox. I will guide you through the steps of using own RFID tags with Content that is already on your build in SD card of the Toniebox.

Like I described in earlier posts, within the Tonie figurines is a RFID Chip installed. This Chip consists of a total of 40 bytes length. 8 bytes are used for the UID, a unique identifier, and 32 bytes are used within the tag memory (4 blocks with 8 bytes each). The UID, like it is said by the U for unique is a identification number that only exists once within the whole Tonie universe (or only once within the RFID Standard according to NXP).
